The Velocity of Emotions

This is a work of FICTION. Any resemblance to those alive or dead is a sheer co-incidence. Emotions are always temporary. When we live unconsciously, life glides from one emotion to another. A man who exists based on emotions, will experience extreme turbulences in life. A man who uses his intellect more than emotions, will experience … Continue reading The Velocity of Emotions

Avatar and the Shift

Q: What is the difference between a true Avatar and a normal birth? A: The difference is in Dharma and Karma. An Avatar takes a physical birth for a dharmic purpose. A normal birth is a birth for a karmic purpose. Liberated souls thus take human form for upholding the Dharma (duty and truth) without … Continue reading Avatar and the Shift

Terrestrial Expressions

We should feel. We should be sensitive towards ourselves and all others. Our progress and happiness should not be the only priority. Others should also be happy. Happiness if shared, multiplies. Sorrow, if shared, decreases. Hence, both need to be shared. Express benevolence unconditionally, without expectations.  It is worth it.  Trust me.


Mohanji's Personal Blog - Doubts - Life is a joke? Smile Anyways

Conscious mind creates doubts. It also creates fear of the unknown. It is the inherent characteristic of the conscious mind to create doubts and subsequent insecurity. Doubts are based on the level of consciousness. On a sunny morning, when basking in the warm rays, the conscious mind is sure that its morning and there is sunshine. But, a person who sleeps inside a blanket with curtains blocking rays from entering the room can never be sure of the situation outside his windows. His mind speculates. So, the available data and the level of consciousness creates the doubt.