A Letter of Gratitude – Mohanji’s Birthday Message 2019

My dear embodiments of purest love,

I am deeply grateful. While I write this, I am filled with gratefulness to each and every one of you and your families for taking me to your heart and doing good for the world on my birthday and beyond. My heart is full because, at least on this day, so many people of various species slept peacefully, with food in their stomach, a clean cloth around them or slept peacefully feeling and understanding that someone out there cares for them. Your kind gesture fills me up. The most precious wealth that I have earned in this life is your love. My favourite abode is your hearts. I love to live there. I love it there. The “life” in your hearts is my inspiration, love in your heart for me is my food and energy. I love you and care for you more than you perhaps are aware. I work all the time for your welfare and well-being. I do not live for myself. I do not need anything more than the human basics. You are truly my family, my true family, who stood by me through sunshine and rains, thunders, lightnings, tsunamis, earthquakes, summers, winters and springs of life. How can I leave your hand ever, since you have never left mine? I am grateful.

Food, clothes, and shelter are the basic human needs. Health care, education etc. follows. It is the responsibility of every citizen of this world to share food, clothes and shelter with those who do not have them. Compassion is the higher consciousness that we have inherited from the great selfless masters who guided us selflessly. What you share, you have, as grace. Whatever you earn from earth, we do not have forever. Give more than we can take from earth. Share whatever you have been empowered with. Our net worth on earth is what we are able to share with the world, not what we earn temporarily from here and leave behind when we leave. Our signature on earth is the ability to share unconditionally. This is the real humanness.

My birthday is not so important. If February 23rd reminds you of your highest consciousness, where the expression of it is compassion, kindness, selflessness, unconditional love, Ahimsa (non-violence), purity in thoughts, words, actions, sharing whatever you have in abundance and caring for all living beings equally, without discrimination, I am grateful. Do celebrate it. I am not so special and nor is my birthday. I am just like you, a living, talking, eating, sleeping, working human being. I have no greatness more than you have. Yet, if you remember me as “consciousness”, and if my presence is a reminder to you of what we truly are, (that you and me are one), do celebrate. And celebration should be strictly by adding value to the society around you, in whichever way you can. Look at all the people of all the species, through the eyes of compassion, kindness and love. Serve them. Love them. This should be ideally a consciousness day, not a birthday.

We have been talking about the reason for us coming together here on earth, in this space, now. It is perhaps the urge of our souls for liberation, as well as experiencing a full and complete life, while we are in the body. This needs consistency in practice. Consistency is not easy, primarily because of the pressure of memories or impressions of past pleasures of life, including relationships, spaces, events and materials. It is not easy to detach from them and focus on completion. Karma demands natural fulfilment. Fulfilment is its completion and culmination. Then why is it getting repeated? The answer is memories, impressions of pleasures or pains that keep re-appearing to bring us back to the terrestrial path of wishes, desires and fulfilment. Combined with our inherent instinctual ownerships (me and mine), we get trapped again and again in the cycle of karma, which means re-births and re-deaths as bodies. If we have come here, come together at this time, for the sake of stabilising this awareness and moving beyond it together, as one family, you need to have consistency, conviction and compassion.

Ego is a silent killer. It kills the beauty of relationships without us being aware. And so are our ownerships. The medicine for ego as a disease is humility. If we consciously practice humility, we will certainly have a good life. Likewise, one of the projections of ego is social importance. This is a silent enemy too. It walks with us and makes us dissatisfied with what the society offers us. The medicine for this is practicing insignificance. Humility and practice of insignificance will give our lives immense stability and satisfaction. Along with this, if you also learn self-acceptance with all your weaknesses and strengths, you will add to your stability. And finally, of course equally important is your ability to expect less from the society and environment around you. The less the expectation, the higher the satisfaction. So, this year, let us consciously practice these as part of our higher consciousness. Humility. Insignificance. Self-Acceptance. Less Expectations. Once again, contentment per second is a clear sign of spiritual stability.  So,

Ego X Humility

Self-Importance X Practicing Insignificance

Insecurities X Self-Acceptance

Disappointments X Less Expectations

Thus, let us practice positivity, totally ignoring negativities of life. If people love you, be grateful. If you get help, be grateful and reciprocate. Always give more than you receive, thus maintain your inner richness. And do not misuse or waste any materials or means that you get to handle. Be life always, consciously. Live your highest consciousness.

We are experiencing various kinds of dense energies which are causing much confusion in many minds around the world. We have to be aware of the dense energies. But, we must definitely handle those situations with maturity, calmness and perfect awareness that whatever comes to you is indeed food for experience, whether we like it or not. Acceptance. Acceptance without expectations. Look at it calmly without emotions and allow the storm to pass without ruffling your inner space. Not everything in life will be palatable always. Sometimes we have to live with bitter stuff too. This is part of life. Accept it. Allow it to come and go. Do not resist it and prolong it.  When you are unaffected, everything vanishes spontaneously sooner or later. When we resist and fight it, it stays longer.

Once again, immense gratitude for your kind gestures, including positive actions, words, expressions, thoughts, calls, messages and everything else. I love you and am always with you. Wish you and your respective families, good health, wealth, abundance of love, happiness, peace and spiritual bliss.

Much Love Always



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