Mohanji’s Guru Purnima Message 2019


Dear Embodiments of love,

I wish you a very happy and fulfilling Guru Purnima. We have spoken about various aspects of existence over the year, so I don’t want to repeat quite a lot of the same stuff, but I would like to remind you about one important aspect as you walk the path of spirituality.

God as we perceive is pure consciousness – formless, pure energy, pure brightness. Your soul is pure brightness. It is the source of all elements, elements which have created the body i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space. All these elements have their source in the Soul or God which is the same. Soul is pure brightness, God is pure brightness, Guru who has attained, confirmed, merged or integrated into God is pure brightness. So Guru – Soul – God are more or less the same.

What do you see on Guru outside of you?

A reminder. A direction. A road map. That’s it. However, the more you connect with yourself, the brightness within you, the brightness which is your original state, that’s exactly when you actually connect to a Guru. And when you see that brightness in every being outside of you, then you see Guru in every being. So Guru is in every being. Guru is in everything.

Look at the source of all things. Even if it is anger, hatred, jealousy kind of thing or even if it is a feeling, a wind blowing, breeze, sounds… Look at the source of all things around you, you will understand that there is energy behind it. Without that energy, there is no movement, there is no aspect, there is no life.

This life is Guru. Energy behind all life is Guru. That’s the principle I would like you to remember today on Guru Purnima.

Purnima also means completion. It’s a state of completion. A state of completion is the state of a Guru. Completion means not dependent on anything outside of the person or not dependent on anything inside. Outside are materials, triggers. They are props that provide certain experiences. But the world outside is only as much as you are. The world outside is your own expression. When you wake up to the world outside, the world outside exists. When you sleep to the world outside, the world outside is not yours. It exists as a platform, but apart from that, you have nothing to do with it. You have no connection. Thus, the world outside is per what you are and the world inside is per what you have stored from the world outside. Whatever you have collected and stored from the world outside is what you have in your world inside. That is also not yours because it is dependent on the world outside. When you have a desire, it is caused by an experience from the past. If you have no desires, you have no connection with the outside world either. You will be moving in the outside world but you will not be connected i.e. dependent on it.

If you see the cause of most of the things happening in the world outside, it is always related to insecurities.

Where are insecurities coming from?

Survival instinct. Survival instinct is one of the basic instincts in every species. All species are driven by survival instinct. You can look around and you will know what I am talking about. They all have survival instinct and human beings also have the same.

However, human beings have more refinement in that mode. Usage of intelligence is not only connected to survival instinct. It is also connected to survival instinct, but not only. A human being has imagination and various other aspects. So instinct being the basic, since human beings use more intelligence and imagination, we do not see the instinct aspect too strong. But unfortunately, we suppress it as something which is ignorable or not so refined. It’s not true. That is our basis, the basis of creation. It is inbuilt.

I am saying all this just as a reminder, because when you connect deeply with yourself, and you start sourcing from yourself, the outside world has no value for you. They have value only in terms of a relative experience. In terms of absolute experience, there is no value. Because absolute experience always happens from inside. Even when you have a nice meal. The experience of a meal is outside and until you consume it, there is nothing. You just have a visual impact. But when you consume, you experience the food, only then you actually have an experience. So everything you do when you move in this world, whatever you assimilate, everything is connected to the internal world.

When we are clear and aware that the internal world is the real world, you will tend to “come home” more often because that is where the source is. The Mother sits inside. The power sits inside. Experience also sits inside.

First, you will not be going around at a neck breaking speed, indiscriminately experiencing things, and also trying t control them using the mind. You can’t control anything.

Second, possessiveness. You will not be possessive about time, people, places, situations, money, positions… so many levels of possessiveness. They are all illusion because when you sleep, where are these things? When you are not available to the world outside, let’s say because of sickness or something else, where are all these things? Therefore, understand that anything relative is not yours. Yours is only what is inside you. You are the only possession you have. Also, if you look at your senses, mind, intellect, ego, body, they are all temporary.

So there is something which is truly you and that’s the only way you can connect to, that’s the only truth. That truth is your real Guru. On this Guru Purnima, I would like to urge you to contemplate about what I have said. Think about it. Ponder over it. And finally, merge with it. The job of any external Guru is to point the finger at your internal Guru. Please understand, nothing external is yours. Only when you bring that inside, then it is yours. When you connect to a Master or Guru using your mind, intellect, ego, they are not yours and not only that. You may not exist with that feeling for long. Feelings change. But when you connect to a Master inside, that is forever because this is something which is yours.

One important thing that you as a seeker must understand is that your consistency is your ally, your friend. If you are consistent with the Master whatever happens, then you are actually stable and aligned.

Likewise, do not look at the Master through the eyes of concepts, through the eyes of prejudices, through the eyes of various things based on the outside world. As I said before, the outside world is all relative. Somebody’s opinion may not be the reality of another person. You stick to your reality, what you experienced, that’s what you felt inside. What you have collected from the outside, that is opinions of other people. Other people are their realities or their opinions, sometimes they may not be even realities, it could be hearsay. I told one person something, and that person told another one something, that person told another one… The whole truth gets distorted in this travel. So we must understand our truth is our real friend. Our truth is what we experienced inside, what we properly, truly experienced. Never leave it because that’s your true ally. If you leave that and go after an opinion of another person, then you will be lost You will be confused, you will be more unsure and insecure. And the world we see outside is full of insecurities.

No Guru, Master or God needs your devotion, dedication that way. You need that for your alignment. Guru is available as an icon of alignment, a beacon of alignment. It doesn’t matter what they do. E.g. Shirdi Sai Baba used to smoke chillum, it didn’t diminish his stature. Sri Krishna is a great example, he was in every aspect of existence, but he was still powerful. That is exactly what I am saying. The stature, the power, the alignment never changes, it doesn’t matter what the levels of interactions are, e.g. Sri Krishna even participated in war, bloodshed. So you can see that anything you do in the outside world has no value provided you are integrated inside. It is not that murder is good or violence is good – violence is not good at all because as long as you have the mind, you will catch that residue of violence. It’s not a good idea because whatever the mind catches, it also tries to reproduce it or asks for more. We have to be very careful here. Do not try to imitate somebody or do something which is not suitable for your alignment. When I say “alignment” it’s peacefulness, silence inside. That is your alignment. This perfect sign of alignment is perfect silence inside.

Once you are in the full mode of silence, everything else is very peaceful. The outside world is peaceful because you are looking at the outside world from your point of view, from your standpoint. Then when you look at the outside world it’s very peaceful. If you are very turbulent inside and you look outside, you will see only turbulence. This is something you should always understand.

A clear sign of inner stability is inner silence and peace. The clear sign of the connection with a Master is the confidence and fearlessness. If you are totally fearless, you are connected to a powerful Master, Guru. And if you are really connected to your soul, you will be completely fearless. So your inner Guru is fearless, powerful and stable; the outside Guru who is also connected to their inner Guru is also the same. God is the same. Once again, God, Guru and your soul are all one. When I say Guru, it is not just a teacher, somebody who teaches something. That is external knowledge assimilated and given out as knowledge for guidance. That is different. Internal knowledge is in silence and what comes out will be what is suitable for the time. That’s about it. There’s no ego, there’s no ownership connected to it. A problem with external knowledge is that it has boundaries. It is given by somebody who has understood the truth as they are or they have learnt it and they give it forth. External knowledge has boundaries, internal knowledge has no boundaries. That is the truth. When you go beyond boundaries, that means you are fully rooted in internal knowledge. So silence, fearlessness, deep compassion, very deep compassion because you don’t have anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, you will never talk poorly if you are peaceful inside. Whenever you are talking poorly, whenever you are into gossips and things like anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, etc. understand that there is a deep insecurity inside you. Insecurity has produced expectations. Expectations have produced disappointments. Disappointments have produced all these things.

In conclusion, the root cause of most aberrations you see in the world is insecurities and they are connected to survival instinct. That also shows the level of evolution of that being. When a person has evolved to a level of complete stability, they cannot engage in anything apart from compassion, kindness, unconditional love, selflessness. They will not get involved in anything apart from these. There will be a deep, full, high level of acceptance in them. They will be fully accepting themselves, they will be fully accepting the world outside as they are because everything is bound by karma. Karma means unfulfilled desires or patterns, whatever they are there’s a conglomeration and that’s what you see as an expression in the world. Understand that all beings who come across your life are driven by karma. Accept it as it is because you cannot do anything about it. You are also driven by karma. So you will accept yourself as normal, as perfect as possible. A person who is very stable in existence will be very visible in terms of the level of acceptance. Such people will never get involved in any gossip, bad attitude, they will never get involved in anything which is of negative nature. They will only spread positivity, brightness. When you keep on spreading brightness all the time, you become Guru material. This is what I wish for you.

I wish you a great Guru Purnima, I always walk with you, I have always been with you, I am holding your hand, I’ll never let you down. You also hold my hand, because it’s a collaboration, it’s mutual.

Sahana Vavatu
Sahanau Bhunaktu
Saha Viryam Karavavahai
Tejasvi Navaditamastu
Ma Vidvishavahai

Om shanti, shanti, shanti.


Thank you.

Happy Guru Purnima






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