I am Shiva. The Infinite. Beyond Creation and Dissolution. SHIVOHAM!

Excerpts from a  few chat conversations with Antonino Moreti (Italy). The full version could possibly appear in some Italian magazine, if it is worth it. 🙂 Anyways, this could be interesting reading for some. The tone of the discussion is friendly, casual, leisurely and certainly non-provocative. Just to introduce A.Moreti, he is a spiritual enthusiast and a theatre artist. He liked my blogs because of “its straightforwardness, clarity and honesty and above all it makes sense.” And he thought it would be “interesting” to explore the man behind those words and ideas. And we communicated briefly, a few times because of time constraints. So, what follows is only about a fourth of what we have been discussing over chat. Enjoy…

A.M: Looking into your eyes, this question wells up in my mind. Are You SHIVA?

M: Yes. I am SHIVA.

A.M: And the other beings of the universe? Who are they?

M: All are SHIVA. All are units of SHIVA. All are drops of the same ocean.

A.M: Are you sure?

M: Yes. I am sure. I am witnessing Shiva every moment. All are Shiva.

A.M. Who or what is SHIVA?

M: Shiva is beyond any definitions at all. Attempting to define Shiva would be an adventure. A real Mission Impossible. 🙂 Shiva can only be experienced and not intellectually understood. A bucket cannot contain the water of the ocean.
Shiva has two distinct identities in human understanding which blurs at times. Shiva as the Supreme Parabrahma and Shiva as a finite entity who is married to Goddess Parvathy and has children. Shiva as the house holder represents human existence, a god with wife and children, yet supremely, spiritually powerful. He is a householder and a master at the same time. Master of masters – Supreme master and Saint of all saints – Supreme Saint. He floats with time and is timeless too.
On the other hand, Shiva as the Supreme Parabrahma is formless and beyond time and space. He is the indivisible unity. This Shiva has no beginning or end. He is Parabrahma. Shiva Linga represents that Shiva. It is multi dimensional or all-dimensional.  We also worship Shiva as a finite entity who is easy to get annoyed and angry (Kshipra Kopi) and also easy to please.(Kshipra Prasadi)
Here, I am talking about Shiva as Parabrahma, just the way Lord Krishna represents the Supreme in Bhagawad Gita. All identifications of such elevated consciousness are only with the Supreme formless which is beyond all dimensions. Another aspect of Shiva is Dakshinamoorthy, the knowledge incarnate. Shiva came as a “chandala”, a man of “low caste” in Indian caste system. (In reality, it is the individual combination of Gunas and the level of awareness that determines the stature of an individual, as proved here by the appearance of Shiva to Adi Shankara – and birth in a particular caste does not guarantee awareness. Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Bhagawan Nithyananda and Shirdi Baba were not from priestly caste.). He came with four dogs to give wisdom to Adi Shankara (four dogs represent four vedas) (Dogs represent protection. Vedas are meant to protect Dharma. Protection aspect of Vedas are represented by Dogs – Eg: Dogs accompany Lord Dattatreya, the preserver of Dharma. And Lord Dattatreya is unity of Trinity. The principle of vedas accompany Him in the form of dogs. Dogs are also faithful, loyal and always alert) , Shiva as hunter (Vettakkorumakan), Hanumanji is also considered as an (amsha) essence of Shiva…So on and so forth…

Shiva is Himalayas. Shiva is all pervading. Shiva is everyone. Everyone is Shiva. Shiva is everything! Shivoham!

A.M. In Hindu tradition – I consider Hinduism as a path, a tradition and not a religion because there are 330 Million Gods in the tradition and there are many castes and sub-castes within the tradition – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva have equal importance. So, why only Shiva? Pardon me if this question is stupid.

M: No. The question is relevant. You are right. Hinduism is not a religion, it is a path, a tradition. There are 330 Million Gods, because 1/3 of you is God element. The soul element is the God element. Only if you worship the soul element within you, will you merge with the supreme soul, Parabrahman. Only if you recognize the soul element or God element in every being, will you be able to witness the all-pervading God who dwells in all beings. As long as we see differences, we are in ignorance. When you look around, if you only see God, you are complete. You are one with God. The path to Parabrahma is our soul.  There are 330million people in the world (a centuries old rough estimate which says “33 crores”. It also implies 33% God element in every being-roughly 1/3rd.) and each person is essentially a part of God, irresepective of whether one knows it or not. So, we have 330 million Gods. If we have 7 billion population on earth today, that means we have 7 Billion Gods too. Still 33% remains constant. Plus all other beings of the universe. All are God. Everything is God. There is nothing apart from God.
This also means that one can follow and accept any God, only if it suits one’s inherent constitution. Each individual’s constitution is unique. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva represent three aspects of the Supreme Parabrahma. That means, creation, maintenance and dissolution. They have equal importance. They all are same. All manifestations are formed out of the Supreme un-manifested. Just some variety in subtlety, but essentially the same. Supreme Un-manifested is raw energy. So, each one of the trinity are equal and equally powerful. My mention about SHIVA is SHIVA as Parabrahma, not an entity with the limited role of dissolution. In that context, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are one and the same. There is no trinity. There is only unity. There is only Parabrahma. Behind all manifestations is one energy. That is Parabrahma. The real source. All forms represent the formless. All forms have materialized from and will dissolve back into the formless.

A.M. What is consciousness?

M: Shiva is consciousness. Consciousness is Shiva.

A.M. So, what are we?

M: Consciousness. Shiva.

A.M. Is there any degree variation?

M: There are no degree variations. Consciousness is full and complete. But, there is degree variation in awareness. Some experience fully, some partially, some randomly and some do not experience at all. Those who constantly experience, will exist in bliss and silence, and those who seldom experience will keep talking theories, book knowledge or someone’s words. 🙂

A gateway far beyond all book knowledge - the mighty Third Eye of Shiva...

A.M. Mohanji, I know that you have not accumulated wealth in this life and that you prefer to spend it in support of the poor and helpless. Is there anything worth nurturing in this life, apart from Spirituality?

M: Nothing is worth nurturing in this life apart from awareness. Even spirituality is not worth nurturing. Spirituality is a state, which is natural and is also an ingredient of our existence. If spirituality becomes repetitive and ritualistic, it loses its purpose. Spirituality usually intensifies and dilutes as per the circumstance and necessity. Spirituality happens to all, sooner or later, because it is related to spirit, the same energy that runs our life! 🙂 So, whether we nurture it or not, it will happen.
Usually, people access spirituality only when helplessness is at its peak. When there is nowhere else to go, we turn to God. This is human nature. There is nothing worth nurturing external to us. We will have to leave everything behind when we leave, including wealth and relationships.
AWARENESSS is the only aspect within us that is worth nurturing. Awareness that we nurture grows with us, through lifetimes. It is worth nurturing. Awareness is our connectivity into consciousness, ability to ‘plug in’ at will. Just like we grow from class to class, year by year, we grow in awareness through life times. As awareness grows, higher consciousness becomes accessable. It has always been available, but, until we have the faculty to access the higher consciousness, we cannot enjoy it. Awareness is the path that helps us reach higher realms of consciousness. In order to cross the mighty ocean of duality and reach the realm of non-dual consciousness, we need the help of higher awareness. It is worth investing in. It is the only thing worth investing in and it is purely an internal matter. Nothing external, even your external Guru, can only direct you to your internal Guru. Guru helps to remove your ignorance or Maya, by showing the light of wisdom. But, it is your increased awareness that makes you realize who you actually are!

A.M. What practice helps develop higher awareness?

M: Witnesshood. (Sakshi Bhav) Being in NOW.

A.M. What is real wealth?

M: That which can be carried with you when you die. That wealth is awareness. Only awareness. This is why meditation is important. Contemplation on truth is important. Right understanding is important. Death cannot remove awareness from you. Awareness travels with the soul along with other samskaaras and unfulfilled desires, when it sheds the body. Death snatches everything else away from an existence. So, the only thing that is worth striving for, is awareness. Awareness happens from within. Money and wealth is always existing outside of you. It is certainly good for terrestrial existence. You can take only what is within you, at the time of death. That means, only what is close to the soul can be taken by the soul. Body and everything outside of the body must be left behind. We must be aware of this truth always.

A.M: How do we know that awareness is growing in us?

M: Usual expression of higher awareness is decreased dependancy on everything outside of you. We will automatically distance ourselves from greed, selfishness, anger, dissatisfaction with what we have and craving for what we do not have, perpetual sadness, jealousy, competition with one another, comparisons, inertia and accumulation oriented-ness etc; and we spontaneously shift to selflessness, kindness, compassion, Unconditional Love…. Self-sufficiency and happiness with or without a thing, anything, is a clear sign of increased awareness. Having everything and not needing anything is real richness. Real richness is a state of mind. That is when nothing outward attracts us anymore. Of course, even while awareness increases, samskaaras, still in-built in our nature, continue to express forth. But our dependency level will change. We start to lead a liberated existence. In such an existence, a particular ritual, meditation, manthra, chanting or anything that usually makes us feel happy or comfortable will not be a necessity anymore. We will not be bound by anything. No habits bind us. We stay liberated from within. Such a person can walk any path, do anything – but nothing will touch him nor will he become dependent on it. If these aspects of higher awareness are practiced consciously, awareness will grow automatically. So, reversal also works! 🙂 That is, when we consciously practice the visible terrestrial signs of higher awareness, it will eventually lead to higher awareness.

A.M. Mohanji, I like your style, your clarity and if I may, straight to the point approach. Tell me, how do we gain that clarity?

M: Simple. Be me. Be my consciousness. Simply – BE.

A.M. What is knowledge?

M: Just an intellectual requirement.

A.M. Does knowledge exist?

M: Apart from you? NO. Apart from you? YES.

A.M. I do not understand.

M: You are knowledge incarnate. Everything is within you. So, knowledge does not exist apart from you. You are knowledge incarnate, yet your intellect fails to recognise that and seeks knowledge outside of you, using your senses. This is highly limited. Too much of limitations. One has lots of food at home; good quality food. Yet, he prefers to go out and eat from the street. The beautiful ocean within us goes unrecognized and the small pool outside is appreciated. It takes lots of awareness to recognize what lies within you, instead we try to find happiness outside of us. So, in the context of intellect, Yes, knowledge is outside of you. So, while the very truth is “NO” as all knowledge is within you; while in terms of Maya, it is – “YES”.

A.M. Understood. So, what exists outside of us?

M: Nothing.

A.M. Then why is this illusion? Why is this drama?

M: Just multiple expressions of Maya. Maya at work! Multiple expressions of Duality. Relativity at work.

A.M. I agree. When everything boils down, when all waves subside, the still ocean remains.

M: Absolutely. And the ocean itself is Maya, if you are witnessing the ocean from outside. If you recognize that you are the ocean yourself, then, it would be just a realization – Aham Brahmasmi! There is no “me” . There is nothing apart from me.  🙂 There is nothing to “know”.

A.M. Ah! WOW! You said it so simply. That is a profound truth indeed!.

M: This is the same truth that all the saints and yogis have told us ever since time began. This information is nothing new. 🙂

One is all and all is One. What seems as separate is illusion! Living in illusions, we fail to “see” the reality.

A.M. Mohanji, it is a week since we communicated. I have been assimiliating what you discussed with me so far.

M: And did you finally realize that it is all a bunch of crap? 🙂

A.M. 😮 On the contrary, I feel this would be useful for the generations to come.

M: 😮 Do not worry about generations to come. We have no real control on the future. There will be others to guide the generations to come. We have only NOW to consider. Is it useful NOW? Yes? Then it is worth it.

A.M. My cousin Liz says she is in love with you. She wants to marry you. 😮

M: HA HA. What a joke! Anyways, I am happily married indeed, in the terrestrial terms! But sure, Liz is certainly welcome to marry my consciousness. 🙂 That is the real me. It is worth it as it is permanent. As a human being, I do not “exist”. And this body is temporary, fragile and highly perishable. All are welcome to marry my consciousness. 🙂  16008 women married Krishna’s consciousness and attained liberation.  Consciousness is eternal. Through my consciousness, I can have many “wives”, beyond gender, space and time. 🙂 Moreover, terrestrial marriage is usually a deep entanglement, and often it leads to jealousy and kind of ownership, unless higher awareness and lack of expectation is developed from deep within. Marriage should never be based on boredom, escapism, expectation and infatuation, in terrestrial terms. Marriage should always be purpose-bound; two people coming together for a larger purpose in existence which leads to perfect fulfillment of joint karmic agenda. And I believe Liz is at least 40 years older than me – so it is important for her to marry my consciousness before it is too late? 🙂

A.M. HA HA…. What is marriage for you?

M: Completion.

A.M. Completion of?

M: Journey. Completion in Life. Completion of a Karmic life, objectively speaking.

A.M. Mohanji, what is your religion?

M: Religion of Love. All other religions are just barriers, walls. I only believe in Unconditional Love beyond all human barriers.

A.M. Mohanji, how do you handle three or more distinctly different planes of existence equally? A. Professional B. Spiritual C. Charity D. Family E. Socio-commercial and never mix them ever? Where do you get so much energy from? Don’t you get tired?

M: This is simple. We are everything. We are a father, husband, son, boss, servant, social being, commercial being etc etc. When you operate, be extremely objective. Do not blur between tasks. And do not procrastinate. JUST DO IT. Work should be considered as sacred – as worship. If we know what we are doing, and if our mind is firm on our activity of the moment without oscillation, time is aplenty. Procrastination saps a lot of time from our lives and leaves us tired and inefficient. People think a lot and avoid all actions and later complain that life is not treating them well or is worthless! I fail to understand them. 🙂 🙂 Lastly, I have never been afraid to walk alone. I do not understand the meaning of the word FEAR! Fear paralyzes us and marries or binds us with forceful inaction. I believe in truthful action where fear has no existence. When you love what you do, when your life is purposeful, there will not be any tiredness, or boredom. Tedium is a by-product of having to do what you do not enjoy doing. I enjoy what I do. I do not get tired. My path is clear and life is purpose-bound. I am a passionate man. 🙂

A.M. Important Question: What is Shaktipat?

M: 🙂 Important Answer: Read my past blogs. 🙂

A.M. Seriously, Mohanji, I would like a precise answer from you. I have read what you have said earlier. I want to give something more precise to the world. You could do that through me? 🙂

M: Whatever I ever gave is precise. Shaktipat is the infusion of a higher energy into the often static lower energy planes in existence. The higher energy activates everything dormant. It brightens up the cells and rejuvenates the existence. It removes blockages and also changes or upgrades the frequency of the receiver.

A.M. What about Pranapath and Shivapath?

M: Theory is the same. Intensity is different and effect is different. How does a stone become a deity? When the prana or the power of the deity is infused into the stone in a ritualistic manner, the stone becomes God. Likewise, we are stones of existence or at least stone-like, often insensitive and unresponsive. 🙂 Please do not take me wrong – no arguements please. 😮 Just understand the context, the example, in its light. I am not calling men – stones. So, when matter gets life, it becomes an entity. Likewise, through Shaktipat, we rejuvenate and re-vitalise the life force which elevates the receivers. It takes them to higher dimensions. It changes their inner software. There are different manthras and methods for installing different deities, right? Likewise, there are differences in the energy levels and capacities of each. Each person gets only what he/she can handle. What happens when a 20 watt bulb gets a 1000 watt infusion? Just for argument’s sake, what happens when a normal human womb receives the soul of an Avatar?(It is highly unlikely) The womb will not be able to hold that soul for long. The womb will burst. Of course, an avatar always chooses the right mother to deliver it; the entity who is powerful enough to bring forth an avatar. I am describing this only for understanding’s sake. Natural frequency of an individual is never violated when Shaktipat is delivered. This is why outstanding results are recorded from around the world.
All of us have our set of blockages as we have our levels of awareness. Shaktipat shifts the level of consciousness in an individual, burning the karmas that are blocking the way and removing blockages in multiple levels such as Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, so on and so forth. Who will be benefited the most from Shaktipat? Those who are open and receptive. Receptivity makes all the difference. Some people come with a closed mind and complain that they felt nothing. Such people blame me as ineffective and will never accept that they were not open to receiving the Shaktipat. 🙂 Human nature!

A.M. We in Europe are a bit addicted to Lineage. 🙂 Does lineage of a Guru matter?

M: In the family of a legend, can you expect a similar prodigy in each generation? Most of our past Great Masters just happened or appeared from nowhere. They shone bright just because of their stature. A Guru might be of high calibre. It does not mean that any of his disciple are of his calibre. Likewise, look at the whole Datta tradition, individuals became prominant because of their stature. So, stature is more important. Spiritual Stature. Pedigree cannot guarantee stature. It can only  guarantee status. Often people mistake status for stature. Status may get us name, position and fame. But, stature has got to be acquired through lifetimes of spiritual practice. Who cared about the lineage of Adi Shankara, Vyasa, Vasishta, Shirdi Sai Baba? Everyone respected their stature. So, stature has much more value than status, pedigree or lineage. Lineage only tells about the path, and perhaps guarantees status; but can never guarantee stature.

A.M. Mohanji, A funny question – Are you real? I often feel that you are not real, that you do no exist.

M: 🙂 It is not a funny question. It is a good question. No. I am also an illusion. I do not exist.

A.M. How can I gain clarity?

M: Shift in consciousness brings forth the corresponding clarity.

A.M. How can there be differences? How can there be high and low?

M: There are no highs and lows in the absolute sense. There are only variations in vision and awareness. Physical manifestations or representations are only expressions of relativity. How can there be high without a low? How can relativity be expressed without duality?

A.M. Relativity confuses….

M: HA HA.. Answer lies within the question itself. Go beyond relativity – confusion ends there. 🙂

A.M. How long will you work in the highly competitive commercial world or among the pretensions and the heavy gross?

M: As long as this heart beats, I will work, but perhaps not in the highly competitive commercial world of profits and pretensions. I am proving a point here. We can operate in contradicting worlds with equal ease and effortlessness, if we have the will to. We can remain pure in all worlds if you choose to. Escapism is not a solution. Be at home where ever we are. Environment does not matter. Our deepest determination and will matters. And spirituality is not only for saints. It is accessible to all, it is inherent in all. Renunciation is a state of mind. You need not go to Himalayas for that.

A.M. Mohanji, we cannot have enough of you.

M: I thought the world is fed up of me. 🙂 Mohanji is not a person. It is a continuation. It is a constitution or a constellation. It is consciousness. It will always exist, even after this body goes back to where it came from.

Timeless Existence….

A.M. How are you today Mohanji? You were not well, last week

M: Consciousness is the same. Body keeps floating up and down. 🙂

A.M. Mohanji, what do you see in people, when you address large gathering? Their body, soul or karma?

M: I see SHIVA. All are Shiva. All are expressions of myself, just acting out individual karmas. No differences between one and the other.

A.M. Between man and woman too?

M: What has gender got to do with it? All are same. What is the gender of the soul? What is the gender of Parabrahma, the supreme soul?

A.M. Then why does Hindu religion have Gods and Goddesses? Why does Shiva have a wife? Why do you have a wife too?

M: HA HA 🙂 A. Everything are reflections of Parabrahma. All are one. B. Duality is the prime expression of relativity. So, there is two. “One” represents unity. There is nothing apart from one. Two represents relativity – You and Me. When  you and me unite, we become one – Unity. Shiva is the energy aspect while Parvati is the material aspect. Expressions become complete when they unite. But, essentially, man is an extension or woman and vice versa. Shiva is also Ardha Nariswara (Man and woman in one) I have married because this completes this soul’s journey too. Womanhood is sacred. Woman is mother. This is why we worship woman.

A.M. Your answers amaze me. So, all Gods and Goddesses are one?

M: Essentially one. All Gurus are one too. All knowledge is one. You are Unity. When you work through the body that you have rented for the time being, you feel divided from the Father. When you return the body to earth, you unite back again with your Father. We have attributed tasks and purposes to Gods and Goddesses. They represent that task. We have created deities based on certain systems, worship methods and certain mathematical calculations. If there are changes in that, there will be changes in deities too. There are Mulamanthras for each deity – the root manthra. The root sustains the deity. The root manthra maintains its attributed strength. There is nothing apart from ONE. What ever is apart from ONE is Illusion, Maya.

A.M. Did you ever fear that people may not understand you?

M: No. I never had any insecurity and will never have. I do not keep any agenda.

A.M. What is FEAR for you?

M: Illusion. Fear does not exist.

A.M. Do you have any fears?

M: No.

A.M. Even the loss of the near and dear ones?

M: I have already experienced the loss of near and dear ones in this life. I know how it feels.

A.M. What actually is terrestrial life?

M: Terrestrial life is only about various experiences.

A.M. When you look at the world, what do you see?

M: A Divine Comedy or Errors. HA HA

A.M. Life is comedy or errors for you?

M: Yes. It is a grand joke. I laugh at the seriousness of people. All are grumpy and serious. People are tired and wrinkled. HA HA 🙂 People are afraid to laugh – as if their teeth will fall off. HA HA With all that seriousness, they will die and go. What do they gain? I always laugh at life. There is nothing to be serious about here. It is indeed a comedy of errors. There is only this moment at our disposal. We do not even know our morrows. Then why worry at all?

A.M. Why errors?

M: Errors due to wrong identifications. Such as people think I am Mohan. I am Mohan for this world. I am not just Mohan. When I die, this body will be called Mohan’s body. People think they are their mind or intellect. Even that is not true.  A philosopher said “I think therefore I am”. So, what about him when he does not think – such as, in deep sleep state? Just look around. You can see wrong identifications all over. People believe they are something else and behave accordingly. HA HA

A.M. Last question. What is your real name? Why do you use Para Brahma as your FB name?

M: HA HA. 🙂 My official name is P.K.Mohan. P – family name and K – name of my Grand father. It is still my official name. Mohanji is the name that is used in the spiritual circle. This was initiated by a saint. And he started calling me Mohanji first and everyone followed afterwards. Mohan is the name and “Ji” is a respectful way of addressing. I do not call myself Mohanji. HA HA.
Moreover, I always sign off as “M” because the alphabet “M” usually has no value by itself. It needs something more, some more alphabets to gain meaning. So, I am just an alphabet, meaningless by itself, transitory, temporary and momentary. I keep myself as insignificant as I can. I have used the name Para Brahma in my Face Book page because, that is the mirror that I am showing to the world. Parabrahma is unity. Two words Para and Brahma cannot exist as duality. They must merge into one. It exists as an illusion. It must merge and is always merged as an entity. Secondly, it is a reminder as to who you are and where you belong to. You are Parabrahma and you belong there. Parabrahma is the Father, from whom all dualities have originated. So, this might tell you that we all are one and there is no duality amongst us and what ever we see as duality is just a grand illusion. So, the concept is the same as applying sacred ash on our forhead. Ash is where we came from and ash is where we will return to. We are just a handful of ash in reality. The ash on the forehead is a reminder. It teaches humility. Likewise, I used that name to remind who you are and what you think you are now. Two words represent duality, truth and illusion. I exist beyond all these.

Till We Meet Again….

Infinite Love


May Bliss be the thread of our Life on Earth. May Kindness and Compassion be our Expression. May gratefulness be our Attitude in Life.

27 thoughts on “Yes! I AM SHIVA

  1. “The beautiful ocean within us goes unrecognized…” 🙂
    and – what a brilliant answer in case of marriage with Liz 🙂 🙂 🙂 and – we have to laugh – as our teeth fall off 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
    Jai Guru___


  2. Mohanji I love the tone of your writing. So crisp and objective, yet so subtle and humble. This is perfect and complete. Complete spiritual insight with perfect intellect. Even a linguist will be left scratching his head at the purity in the intellect. There is so much valuable information that you keep blessing us with. Thank you so much. Lots of love.


  3. Wow, A great loving message from our great Master. Only the one who is in the contineous awareness of the whole (all that is in the existence) can openly declare as ” I am siva”. Till that time everyone feels, I and Siva are two different entities and we live in the duality of the mind. Om Nama Sivaya… Thanks a lot Mohanji.


  4. simple yet crisp………this has put so much impact………
    how to know you are aware……
    so many doubts have been cleared through this…..
    thank you so much mohanji


  5. Pranaam Baba,

    Wonderful experiences I came to know, and made me more aware of my being, at this blog. Please accept my humble gratitude!

    You are the smoke of the Eternal Fire, I am but a small particle in that puff of smoke.

    Any thoughts you give on the following article, would be greatly appreciated.



  6. This is a discussion on ultimate and ultimate only,and advice to one and all ,has expressed the highest level of human consciousness and difference of spirit and matter.great discussion,please mail if some more information is available on


    1. Nullification of our individual identities through increased awareness is the key. When personal identities dissolve, we become that. When we as a conditioned individual does not exist, we start moving into the higher consciousness. Connecting and operating from spine on a perpetual level is a good way of becoming one with the supreme.


  7. Love you guruji. When ego and thought intervene things become difficult. How will I be liberated? Why is it taking so long? Why should I be liberated? I am not worthy. These thoughts frequently enter my mind and my immediate response is to get emotional. I may get angry, sad, frustrated. Sometimes it feels all in vain and hopeless. When the hour is darkest and it is so bad I cant even think of a prayer to say all I do is chant your gayathri mantra. In anger, pain and fervent hopelessness, this mantra is my balm. It has become the shore to the tumultuous sea that is my life. Thank you for traveling with and sometimes carrying me on this journey guruji. Love you very much


  8. mohan ji, namaste
    have you seen shiva? is shiva the destroyer. how does he look like? is he a higher soul? does He listen our prayer? i am confused. plz help.


    1. Dear Anuj.. As Mohanji has explained before… Shiva is consciousness itself. Shiva is a state of perfect awareness.. while Shava is just the opposite. Shiva is also depicted as an entitiy .. in the form of Lord Shiva, a man who is married to Godess Parvati.

      Yes Mohanji has seen Shiva, because He witnesses Shiva every moment. He has emptied Himself completely and become Shiva Himself..Pure consciousness Himself. He is the state of Shiva.
      Mohanji represents All Masters.. And the Shiva consciousness flows through Him very strongly.

      Destroying everything that binds us.. the path dissolution.. makes us empty for higher awareness to happen. Yes Shiva listens to our prayer.. so does our beloved Mohanji.. The best prayer is the prayer of gratitude 🙂

      Keep connecting to Mohanji’s eyes..everyday for however long you prefer.. thats the gateway to His consciousness.. You will feel guided and definitely will get more clarity. If you want you can leave your email ID and we can mail you His eye card.

      Best Regards,


      1. Palak ji, thank you for your reply.
        My email id is
        Please send me mohanji’s eye card.
        I further want to know the truth behind SHIVA’s so many stories which i have heard since childhood. If shiva is pure conciousness then what is the significance of these stories. Please help me understanding these.


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